We are proud to support the national "Hello, My Name Is..." campaign, helping to improve the hospice experience for all our children and their families.

The “Hello, My Name Is…” campaign aims to encourage all staff, regardless of role, to introduce themselves to the children, families and visitors with whom they come into contact with. Research has shown that patients appreciate small touches, and a simple gesture such as telling somebody their name will go a long way to helping them feel more at home in the hospice.

The campaign was launched by Dr Kate Granger, a registrar from Yorkshire specialising in elderly medicine, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Throughout her hospital visits and admissions she became aware of the impact of the little things that made a difference – for her, one of the main things was staff not introducing themselves.

Kate initiated a Twitter campaign called #hellomynameis, the mission being to get as many members of NHS staff as possible to pledge to introduce themselves to their patients. The campaign is now widely endorsed by several senior figures within the NHS and a significant number of hospitals, hospices and other care settings.

Here at Haven House, a friendly and welcoming atmosphere awaits and we feel "Hello, My Name Is..." highlights how important these simple personal touches are for our families.

Raphaella Corbishley, Lead Nurse at Haven House, said:

Little touches make a big difference to people in our care who may feel vulnerable. Building a relationship starts with those of us that provide care. The ‘Hello, my name is…’ initiative reminds all staff and volunteers engaging with children and families to introduce themselves at every interaction. This develops trust and facilitates dignity and compassion as the bedrock of hospice care.

Find out more about the families we support and the difference we make to their lives.