Delivering the extraordinary in the ordinary day

We have heard wonderful stories of how Haven House has made a difference to you through respite care, support at home, access to therapies and being part of a community. We have also heard some challenging feedback about how we could do better. You, our families, are at the heart of everything we do and we will address your concerns as best as we can. 

Our vision for the best quality care for extraordinary children and their families, when and where they choose. We enable choice to families who need us.

Choice - all our families are different and need different things, we want to do more to understand individual needs and therefore put in place the support you need the most.

Reach - this means that every family in our community who needs our help, can get it. We need to do more to reach our communities who we don't serve as well as others.

Collaboration - finding more ways to work with our NHS partners and community groups so that we make better, joined up and informed decisions about your care.

Read the full strategy