If your child has a life-limiting condition, learning to care for them can be challenge. You and your family can stay together at Haven House where the nurses and Health Care Support Workers will give you the support and any training that you need to build your confidence to look after your child at home.

We transferred to Haven House as like a halfway house. There was so much to learn with our son; the suction, the medicines, the feeding, we needed that extra help. It just felt like a second home.

Jade, George's mum

To discuss a referral to Haven House services please contact:

020 8505 9944 (Monday - Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm)
07872 198285 (out-of-hours mobile)

For more information about our referral criteria please visit our Refer a Child section.

Read our Neonatal Link Sister's blog about step-down care.