Get together for cake, a cuppa and a catch up

Gather with family, friends, neighbours or colleagues to raise some dough and support seriously ill children in your local community. 

Whether you host a tea party at home with a few friends, hold a bake sale in your front garden or organise a bake off at work, you'll be helping to ensure Haven House are here for hundreds of families. And that really is the icing on the cake!

If you're not an expert at baking, don't let that hold you back! You can create some 'easy mix' or 'no bake' cakes or event pop to your local supermarket to buy some. If there are cakes on the table, tea in the pot and friends in the room you have everything you need to host a Big Tea Party. 

Sign up to The Big Tea Party

Sign up today for your free Big Tea Party pack including balloons, cake flags, invitations, and a fundraising booklet jam-packed full of tips and ideas to help you host your Big Tea Party.

Every pound you raise at your Big Tea Party will help us deliver extraordinary care to seriously ill children and their families.

Get your Big Tea Party pack

Big Tea Party Resources            

Download our invitations, cake bingo cards and bunting and add to the fun of your Big Tea Party.       


Cake Bingo


Fundraising Totaliser


Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory - enjoy making yours... We didn't realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.” - AA Milne


Have a question?

If you need more inspiration or have a question, contact our friendly team who'll be more than happy to help.

Email our events team