We provide end-of-life care to children and their families as and when they need us. No one should be alone or feel unsupported when faced with the death of their child and the care team provide round the clock support to families who may wish to stay with us during their child's final days or hours.

When a child or young person is reaching the end of their life it is important that they and their families are provided with as many choices as possible including expert medical and nursing care.

Butterfly suite

The butterfly suite is our sixth bedroom at The White House. It is designed to be more comfortable for families to say goodbye while our bereavement team support the entire family to ensure they have the opportunity to create positive memories of their child while staying with us. It is a private space for family and friends to use to grieve in an appropriate and dignified environment before the funeral.

My granddaughter was treated with total respect and dignity in every action taken, ensuring her stay was perfect in every way, given the circumstances. All parents should have the same choices as my daughter and her family, unfortunately they don't, but I count my blessings, that as a family we were able to share such a wonderful experience in saying goodbye to our precious child.

Bereavement support

Our bereavement team looks after children at end-of-life through to death and beyond. This period of support for the family and siblings continues for however long the family need our support.

We plan to introduce more counselling to help families to build resilience in the face of their daily challenges. Bereavement counselling supports the whole family; mums, dads, brothers, sisters and grandparents in line with our holistic ethos, helping families prepare for
their child's shortened life.

Every Autumn we hold a memory day for all bereaved families to celebrate their child's life. 

To discuss a referral to The White House services please contact:

Clinical Nurse Manager

020 8506 5513 (Monday - Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm)
07872 198285 (out-of-hours mobile)

For more information about our referral criteria please visit our Refer a Child section.