Who we are Reports and accounts Haven House Quality accounts Our Quality Accounts are an important way us to report on quality and safety to the babies, children, young people and the families we care for in our local community. The reports give clear information and assurance and show improvements in our services. Haven House Children's Hospice Quality Account 2023/2024 We have a culture of continuous quality improvement and to continuously work to improve care delivery. We ensure shortfalls are identified and acted upon quickly. Everything we do is to provide the best possible care. The experiences and outcomes for our families are of paramount importance to us all at Haven House. Haven House Children's Hospice Quality Account 2022/2023 Haven House Children's Hospice Quality Account 2021/2022 Haven House Children's Hospice Quality Account 2020/2021 Haven House Children's Hospice Quality Account 2019/2020 Meet our families and find out more about how we care for seriously ill children in our community. Manage Cookie Preferences