Play is an important part of children’s development, education and learning. With your support, we provide fun and creative play and art activities both at the hospice and in family homes to help children discover the world around them. It’s so important that children can just be children and enjoy playing - despite their illnesses.

Our activities are multi-faith, age appropriate and related to your child's emotional and developmental needs. 

We can’t make the diagnosis go away, and we can’t provide a cure, but we can bring a smile and laughter through some of the toughest times our children, young people and their families will ever face. Memories created through play are so precious to families.

Activities are tailored to meet each child’s individual needs. Our specialist play team use a wide range of fun play, from out of the box toys, to imaginative games and arts and crafts. All these things are so helpful in building a relationship with the child and their family.

Our specially adapted sensory room allows play which can help stimulate senses such as sight, smell, touch, and sound to contribute to communication and development. It can transport the children to the beach or the fair, giving them the chance to experience sand and sea without ever leaving the comfort and safety of the hospice.

Our team sometimes use messy activities with paint, jelly or foam allowing children to explore how they feel, tune into their emotions, and express themselves.

Thanks to a grant from Lifelites we also have specialist computers and iPads which feature Eyegaze technology. This equipment makes using a computer accessible for your child. Through a sensor, the screen can track eye movements enabling your child to move the cursor around the screen to touch objects or create sound or artwork. This equipment particularly supports children with limited verbal communication or mobility and can help them to ‘speak’ for the first time.

Play can act as a vital coping mechanism for children and young people who are going through any kind of distress or trauma. Play or art can really help in building a child’s confidence and self-esteem through difficult times.

To discuss a referral to Haven House services please contact:

Clinical Nurse Manager
020 8506 5513 (Monday - Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm)
07872 198285 (out-of-hours mobile)

For more information about our referral criteria please visit our Refer a Child section